
Welcome to Ordinariate News (from The Anglicanorum Coetibus Society) reporting about the Ordinariates and Pastoral Provision communities.

The Ordinariates are part of the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church with the mission to bring Anglican patrimony into the Church as a gift to be shared and to provide a corporate home for ex-Anglicans entering into communion with the See of Peter, who wish to be part of this mission.

The intention of this blog is to provide up-to-date news on all of the Ordinariates and some in-depth articles on the mission of the Ordinariates and the nature of the Anglican patrimony (original articles and repostings). By default ours has currently become the site which provides the most information about all of these questions (see also the links to the pages on Anglican Patrimony, Liturgy, Documents, etc. in the bar above) and as a result our readership is now international with about half of our regular readership in North America, where official Ordinariate information is little and far between. We are luckier in Britain, so much of our news is reposted from the official website of the UK Ordinariate. Australian news comes mostly from the official Ordinariate website and from the monthly newsletter “Australia-Wide”.

Visitors are most welcome. Whether you are interested in learning more about the Ordinariate(s) or the remaining Pastoral Provision communities, discovering where Ordinariate members and groups are located, or even discerning for yourself whether you might wish to join an Ordinariate, this is the site where you can find the information you need or links to other sites which will help you further.

It has been decided that we will allow comments on this site, but of a more formal kind, like “Letters to the Editor”, and that these will have to be moderated in each case. This means that for all intents and purposes the dialogue or “chat” nature of this site which readers were used to previously will now cease.

If you wish to contact us, please eMail president@anglicanuse.org . You are particularly invited to contact us if you would like to join the Ordinariate Europe community of prayer and receive our Cycle of Prayer monthly.

(I am the site administrator and President of the Anglicanorum Coetibus Society, and my name is David Murphy. I live in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany, and I am a teacher at a vocational college, teaching languages and Catholic religious education.


2 Responses to Welcome/Contact

  1. Thanks for your comment over at “THE ANGLO-CATHOLIC” blog. I like your new OLW Ordinariate blog so far. Hope you can keep it going in a positive direction with Good News and updates from your Ordinariate activities. Welcome to the Ordinariate blogosphere.

  2. As a life long Christian, I am celebrating the 60th anniversary of my baptism on 6th November 2015.

    On 20th April 1975 I participated in my first communion in the Advents Kerk in Aerdenhout {Dutch Reformed Church}. My preparation and catechism was conducted by an Anglican priest, acting as part time pastor of at my Alma Mater in Scotland.

    In 2011 {Saturday Easter vigil} I was received as a catholic. Once more my catechism was supervised by a former anglican priest, now serving as pastor of a catholic community in the South West London.

    We are all children of one God…. The oldest motto favoured by Christianity and Judaism is: “Hear, oh Israel, the Lord thy God, the Lord is one”

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