Clergy changes in Kansas City and Potomac Falls

The parish bulletin of Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church in Potomac Falls, VA, where the local ordinariate community is hosted, announces:

Fr Randy SlyFather Randolph Sly is being appointed as Parochial Vicar for St. Therese Parish in Kansas City, Missouri and Parochial Administrator for the Ordinariate Community of Our Lady of Hope, which meets at Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Kansas City, effective June 17, 2015. Be alert for a farewell reception in June!

This means that we can expect other changes, both in Kansas City and Potomac Falls. What is happening with Fr. Ernie Davis? Who will take over at Potomac Falls?

(Thanks again, EPMS)

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13 Responses to Clergy changes in Kansas City and Potomac Falls

  1. EPMS says:

    Fr Davis returned to hospital chaplaincy when he left St Therese Little Flower so perhaps that will now be his fulltime ministry. The issue of Catholic Key announcing Fr Sly’s appointment says nothing about Fr Davis:

  2. EPMS says:

    I note that Fr Treco was based in the Greater DC area until very recently. Growing a congregation in Collegeville,MN (pop 3,343) will be a challenge. Meanwhile, who will be taking over in Potomac Falls,VA? At least our previous concerns about lack of OCSP clergy mobility seem unwarranted.

    • Rev22:17 says:


      You wrote: At least our previous concerns about lack of OCSP clergy mobility seem unwarranted.

      I’m not sure to what extent this was ever the “concern” that you suggest. Transfers of married clergy clearly are not as simple as transfers of celibate clergy. The complexities of relocating clergy with spouses and children are not entirely insurmountable, but the time scale is one of months rather than days and the cost of relocating a household, with all of its furnishings, also is a major consideration.

      Of course, there’s a major problem if the cleric’s working spouse cannot transfer her job or find suitable employment near the cleric’s intended new assignment.


    • EPMS says:

      I see that the Fellowship of St Bede now worships at a church in an exurb of Minneapolis so the market is clearly larger. I also discovered here that Fr Treco was associated with the St John Fisher Ordinariate community for three years. I hope this means that St JF is “burdened” with an overabundance of replacements for Fr Sly.

  3. EPMS says:

    It was a concern insofar as there seem to be groups without priests and priests without groups, sometimes for years. I think the last point you raise is the biggest obstacle, combined with the Ordinariate’s general lack of financial resources.

  4. EPMS says:

    I note that while Fr Sly is listed as “Associate Pastor” in the most recent (July 19) bulletin of St Therese North, Kansas City, Fr Ernie Davis is still listed in the bulletin of the host parish as the priest in charge of the Ordinariate community of Our Lady of Hope: This is also the information on the OLH website.

    • Rev22:17 says:


      You wrote: I note that while Fr Sly is listed as “Associate Pastor” in the most recent (July 19) bulletin of St Therese North, Kansas City, Fr Ernie Davis is still listed in the bulletin of the host parish as the priest in charge of the Ordinariate community of Our Lady of Hope….

      Fr. Davis undoubtedly will remain the pastoral leader of the Ordinariate Community of Our Lady of Hope for as long as he is able. If there is a plan in place for Fr. Sly to take over that role, it is because of something foreseeable.

      Does anybody know whether Fr. Davis (1) is nearing the age of retirement, (2) has health issues expected to affect his ability to function as a pastor, or (3) has plans to relocate, perhaps to serve another ordinariate congregation?

      Of course, Fr. Sly’s proximity to the Ordinariate Community of Our Lady of Hope means that he is now available to serve that community whenever Fr. Davis is away.


  5. EPMS says:

    The parish bulletin cited in the original post said that Fr Sly would be the “Parochial Administrator” of the Ordinariate community. This was also stated in the diocesan newspaper linked to above, The Catholic Key . Fr Davis is nowhere near retirement, in excellent health, and advertising a pilgrimage which he is leading next year.

  6. EPMS says:

    I note from the latest issue of The Catholic Key that Fr Davis will be taking a six month sabbatical starting July 1, 2016. It is unclear if this will be only from his diocesan chaplaincy or from Our Lady of Hope as well. Fr Davis is or was on the board of the AC Society but I am unclear whether he is the third member who resigned, or whether that is Dr Tighe.

  7. EPMS says:

    I now see here
    that Fr Sly will be taking over as Parochial Administrator of Our Lady of Sorrows, Kansas City, the host parish for the OCSP community, until the end of December.

  8. EPMS says:

    Our Lady of Hope seems to have updated its Facebook page and reached out to other media. This article appeared in the latest issue of the local diocesan newspaper

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