Vaughn Treco to be ordained priest for the Ordinariate Society of St. Bede the Venerable in Minneapolis

Thanks to EPMS we are able to report the joyful news that former Charismatic Episcopal Church priest Vaughn Treco is to be ordained a Catholic deacon today, Saturday May 2nd, and then priest tomorrow, Sunday May 3rd, for the Ordinariate Society of St. Bede the Venerable, currently in St. Louis Park, Minneapolis. Thus Father Treco (pictured here with his wife, Norma) has followed his former CEC Archbishop, Father Randy Sly of Potomac Falls, Virginia, into the Ordinariate although he has himself already been a Catholic for fifteen years.

Fr. Vaughn TrecoArchbishop John Nienstedt of Saint Paul and Minneapolis will ordain Vaughn a deacon at 10.00 a.m. in St. Mary’s Basilica, and the priestly ordination is to take place at the hands of  Auxiliary Bishop Andrews Cozzens at 1.30 p.m. Sunday at Holy Family Church in St. Louis Park, where the Society of St. Bede have been hosted for several months now. They were originally hosted and nurtured by the Benedictines of Collegeville. A retired Catholic priest has been saying Mass for them recently

Vaughan Treco, a native of the Bahamas (who had been a devout member of the evangelical Plymouth Brethren since childhood before entering the CEC), was a guest of Marcus Grodi on EWTN’s The Journey Home in February 2006, where he tells his fascinating story and gives some interesting insights into the Plymouth Brethren and the Charismatic Episcopal Church, in which he was Canon Theologian. He also tells that he had already discerned a calling to the Catholic priesthood and that his bishop had petitioned Rome on his behalf. Although on his facebook page he wrote the following on January 14th, 2013: “My priestly formation for the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter began in earnest last week with the submission of my first dossier and participation in the first session of my theological and pastoral formation class on Saturday.”

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4 Responses to Vaughn Treco to be ordained priest for the Ordinariate Society of St. Bede the Venerable in Minneapolis

  1. EPMS says:

    Can anyone update us on the Ordinariate Society of St Bede the Venerable? Their Facebook page has up to date postings of general Ordinariate interest but nothing about any activities. The website ( ) says the ” next liturgy” is April 12. The bulletin of the host parish, Holy Family, St Louis Park, MN, notes that Fr Treco was to say his first mass there May 3, but says nothing further about him or the OSSBV. This was a widely covered ordination and I am looking forward to follow-up.

  2. EPMS says:

    That was a month ago. What’s up now?

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